Monday, February 27, 2012

Aubergines How to grow

While growing, keep the young plants moist and weed free and they may require the additional support of canes or an open wigwam. Feed them with a high potash liquid fertilizer at one quarter the recommended strength - but apply it at four times the recommended frequency. Also pinch out the top of the plant when it gets to about 18 inches high to encourage it to bush out. However, once you have three or four fruits set, it will be time to start removing any further side shoots as they develop. This helps to divert the energy of the plant to where it is most needed.

One last cultivation point, to ensure a good set of fruit when the plants first come into flower you can consider giving them a little extra help by pollinating them by hand. This will not be necessary for the subsequent sets of flowers.

In hot weather you may need to water twice a day, which is why it is important to pot them on into a free draining compost. Aubergines can be incredibly thirsty and dry compost will quickly lead to a check in growth. Having a free draining composts allows you to water as much as the plant requires without the risk of root damage through waterlogging. This applies particularly to plants grown in a greenhouse where it can get very hot - even in late summer.

Lettuce from seed

Cucumbers - How to grow

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blueberry fertiliser amount

The one year plants were grown using two different fertilization regimes:

1) Osmocote 9-6-6 slow release with 19% sulfur. About 2 tablespoons per pot.

2)ammonium sulfate 21-0-0 at one tablespoon per 2.5 gal water once a week April thru July.

There was one plant of each variety for each fertilizer treatment. The 21-0-0 fertilized plants grew about 20% more than Osmocote. No fertilizer since last August, I was going for quality fruit.

I'll prune hard after harvest and possibly pot up to 10 or 15 gallon.



tablespoon is 25 grams

No, I'm only applying enough of that solution so that some runs out the bottom of the pot. One tablespoon 21-0-0 in 2 to 2.5 gal water fertilizes about 8 first year plants and two plants the size of the Star. I do that once a week when I'm pushing growth and once every month or two when not needing rapid growth. I also make sure water runs through the pot on all waterings between fertilizer. This will avoid salt buildup and results in fast growth, about 12 inches per month.


Blueberry propagation further

Blueberry Propagation Notes

Friday, February 17, 2012


Feeding Peppers

What to feed chilli plants

One of the most asked questions is how often to feed them and what with? In the early stages and while the weather is quite mild I just give them a bit of tap water every 2-3 day or whenever the soil is looking dry on top. As the summer temperatures increase I will increase this to once a day.

Update: Since moving my chilli plants are housed in a conservatory so now during summer I am watering twice a day!

Once the flowers start to flower I introduce a few drops of liquid tomato food into their water during every other watering. I use half the dilution strength recommended for tomato plants. Doing so gives the plants the extra energy required to keep producing fruit over the summer months.

Germination - Speeding up

Urban Ton of Food Project
